School Dinners

Pupils may either bring a packed lunch to school or have a school lunch provided by Caterlink at a cost of £3.15 per day. Online payment can be made at Caterlink.


We are a Healthy School and we encourage pupils to eat healthily.  If you are stuck for ideas for lunch boxes or would like further information about healthy foods, please try the links below;

Breakfast Club

We are pleased to confirm that Breakfast Club is continuing as a service for you. The gate in Back Lane will open at 7.45am for fifteen minutes to allow the children to enter the site.  Anyone arriving after this time is required to use the Stumble Hill Entrance. The club will run until 8.45.  At present we offer toast and/or cereal and activities inside and/or outside for those attending at a cost of £2.50 per pupil per day. 

Places at Breakfast club are limited so please enquire at the office if you are interested in further details.  Payment and booking can be made on Parentmail.

After School Club

After School Club is available each day until 5.30 pm.  A light snack will be provided with children joining in the after school club activity for the day.    The cost is £10 per pupil per day.

Please enquire at the office if you are interested in further details.  Payment and booking can be made on Parentmail.