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Our Governing Body

The Bourne Partnership Governing Board welcomes applications for membership from all those who will support us in our objectives and will contribute to the strength and success of our school community, regardless of gender, ethnicity, race, social standing, educational background, physical disability, religion, faith or sexual orientation. The Board recognises, and takes into account in the selection of appointees to office within the Board, the benefits of diversity, alongside appropriate skills and experience.

Meet The Governing Body

On 2nd September 2019 the Governing Board of the Bourne Partnership was inaugurated to lead Hadlow Primary School and Shipbourne School in a mutually supportive federation.  The Board holds the vision for both schools in mind at all times to ensure strategic leadership while holding the senior leaders to account for pupil wellbeing, attainment, progress, as well as prudent financial management.  We are committed to maintaining the right skills and experience on the board to provide robust, efficient and compliant governance.

The Governing Board works voluntarily on behalf of the federation and meets at least once per school term to receive reports from the senior leaders, share information gathered during monitoring visits, approve policies and discuss the financial status of both schools.

Governors normally serve a four-year term.  If you are interested in joining the governing board, please contact the Joint Chairs at

Governing Body Membership

Governor Appointment Monitoring Roles
Dr Andrew Tittershill Co-opted Joint Chair; PE; Geography; History
Mrs Jenny Maydon Co-opted

Joint Chair; Safeguarding; SEND; RE; PHSE

Mrs Rebecca Morris-Tarry Co-opted Wellbeing; Attendance; Creative Arts
Mrs Ann Windsor Co-opted EYFS
Mr Stavros Martis Co-opted Finance; Funding; MfL; Website
Mr Stephen Brown Parent election Health and Safety; Science; Computing
Mrs Sharon Vanns Co-opted Training; website
Mr Thomas Gilder Staff election Website
Mrs Charlotte Cooper Co-opted  
Mrs Gill Speed Co-opted